Michael Sigurd Olszta Consultant-Instructor |
Dr. Carey A. Reams RBTI Developer |
CMC | Consulting | Instruction | Equipment | Contact
Welcome to https://olszta.com where RBTI services, instruction, and products as set forth by Dr. Carey Reams originally can be obtained. I offer everything needed for you to get started on this fantastic dietary* program which you can utilize to recover, improve, and/or maintain your body's health without having to guess your way through a maze of "diets" recommended by everyone and his neighbor in the holistic world. Just like pilots use their instruments to fly safely and confidently through zero visibility, so, too can you use scientific instruments to test your body chemistry to get you through this physical life with a certainty of having health and vitality as you live to a ripe old age. But to reach that worthy and ultimate goal, you have to learn how to test your own urine & saliva so you can either:
Why go on guessing? Read some of the testimonials of folks who have gone from some very bleak outlooks concerning their personal health who after signing up for a lifetime of consulting and instruction have found out what it's like to no longer have to guess their way through the alternative health maze and all the do's and don'ts which may or may not be one iota helpful for you in your personal situation. They have found that it is really quite simple to be healthy and that to be sick, you really have to work at it. Unfortunately, many people are working overtime at the latter. And if you've come to your wits end trying to find a way to feel better OR if you are facing even greater health challenges, take a close look at what RBTI can offer you through competent health coaching & counseling. Thankfully, we still have many choices available to us. And RBTI, far from being and end in and of itself, can become the means to a healthy and happy ending by showing you how and what you may be doing right now can be tweaked, perhaps expanded, or maybe indeed changed altogether to get you to the promised land of feeling vibrantly strong and healthy again!
For a no cost, no obligation initial telephone consult of how my RBTI services could help you, please contact me using the contact information below.
RBTI Consultant / Instructor Mon-Th: 1:00 P.M. - 9:00 P.M. (E.T.) 20 Warsaw Avenue Manchester, NH 03103, USA Office: 603 / 622 - 4701 Cell: 603 / 930 - 1683
The teaching, instruction, claims, recommendations, suggestions, information and products mentioned in my e-mails, snail mail, documents, videos, in conversation, and/or through associated website pages, have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration and are not approved to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. Neither does the author claim to do any of the latter. The information provided by e-mail, snail mail, in conversation, and/or through associated website pages is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other healthcare professional. You should not use any of this information contained in any of the latter forms of communication for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should always consult with a licensed healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.